วันพุธที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Intellectual property and Personalized Music

By: Clint Jhonson

Almost every content industry is likely to face real problems when it comes to usage and sales of Personalized Music. Personalized music creates a problem that few other industries in the world have because of the vast amount of names the world is using today. No longer can a store get by simply by arrying a few hundered names. This will in fact create more of headache for the store than it is worth. Thanks to Kurt Penberg grab and go technology has been created that allows any retail store to carry thousands of names on a single CD. No longer will a store have to guess about what names to carry and the cost and space needed for big racks with expansive names lists. Grab and Go is a technology created by Kurt penberg that allows any retail stores the ability to carry personalized music without tying up huge dollars in inventory of names.

With Grab and go technology Personalized music will forever take a huge change in how it can be stocked, inventoried and sold... Kids Juke Box is the only company in the world that offers this technology and companies from all over the world are contacting Kids Juke Box to see how this technology can be used to personalize music that could have never been considered for personalization before.

Sales of personalized music is expanding globally faster than just about any other sector for children. It is estimated the global sales of personalized products now exceeds over 30 billon dollars per annum. With an explosive market like this getting larger year after year Kurt Penberg realized this was a niche market with unparallel opportunity

Wth Grab and go technology stores every where will start to stock personalized music as a standard product. What Grab and go music does is allow the thousands of names to be packed on a single CD. Once the customer brings that CD home they are prompted with a self help screen to pick their childs name and the names is seamlessly intergrated into the music. It is done with exact precision and sound natural to the ear. In less than two minutes anyone can have their very own personalized music CD. Whle Kurt penberg would not go on record with exact number he did mention sales of personalized music at Kids Juke Box has been doubling year after year for the last several years

With new contracts up and coming the future of Kids Juke Box has never looked brighter. Big names like Marvel, Care Bears and Barney have all signed licencing agreements with Kids Juke box to product personalized music for children. Kurt penberg said it is his goal to make sure every child in America receives a personalized Music CD at some point in their life. Unlike other gifts personalized music is a keepsake that parents and children will keep around for years to come. You can visit kids Juke box and all their personalized music CD’s on line at www.kidsjukeboxinc.com

Kids Juke Box has also expanded their product line to include personalized story book CD, personalized growth charts, personalized poems and soon a new line of personalized ring tones. Find out yourself how this leader of personalized music for children can work with your or your company and your needs for personalization.

This current situation has lead to a new “solution”, namely the immediate creation of a software program mainly known as the “ripper”. This program can actually read the existent data that is to be found in the case of every CD in order to rewrite it in various formats. So, all the files will become easy to share among people and they can be even posted around the entire internet. There is another reason for this problem that has surfaced the music industry, namely the fact that music is likely to be very popular with certain social groups that have the necessary access to the technology in order to create their Personalized Music. This technology is not too sophisticated thus becoming available for many people who will be very pleased to find out that the protection that is usually assured by the copyright law is not respected in a rigorous manner.

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

About the Author:
Kurt Penberg developed the new models of jukeboxes that contain the Personalized Music.
Tags: arts-and-entertainment, music, kurt penberg, personalized music
